Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring my (insert vehicle here)?
Yes any vehicle with a capabilities similar to a stock first generation Ford Raptor will be allowed to attend.
We are also now allowing SxS for events at Rausch Creek (only on our track) and Burning rock (our track and full trail access).
What should I bring?
All attendees shou​ld show up with a spare tire, a truck full of gas, a mechanically sound vehicle, and a good attitude!
Chase lights are also highly encouraged, If you do not have some please message us so we can find a solution!
Do I need prior off-road experience?
No, we allow all levels of drivers at our events as long as they have a valid drivers licence​.​
Do I need a hand-held radio?​
A hand-held radio is not necessary but is encouraged to have to call in hazards that may be encountered on the tracks and trails.
Should I bring a helmet?​
Yes, a DOT or Snell certified helmet is required for events at Rausch Creek and Burning Rock Offroad Park.​